Candidate of Medical Sciences, PhD, professor at the Research Institute of EMBC, efferentologist, rehabilitation specialist, co-organizer of the congress
Panov Stanislav Alexandrovich
Head of the Department of Preventive and Personalized Medicine, IMM, Head of the LANCET clinic network.
Tarasevich Andrey Fedorovich
Chairman of the Association of Ozone Therapists of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Scientific and Production Enterprise "Econika"
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Co-Chairman of the Eurasian Federation of Oncology (EAFO), Member of the American Association of Clinical Oncologists (ASCO)
Baltabekov Nurlan Tursunovich
MD, Ph.D. Co-founder and Director of International Projects of ASHINAGA Organization at Stanford University.
PhD, Kyoto University Medical School; Kyushu University School of Pharmacy
leading world scientists, doctors, experts, and representatives of the medical community on one platform
Endocrinologist-gynecologist, ultrasound specialist, member of the Eurasian Association of Anti-Aging Medicine Preventage.
Duganova Kamila Akramovna
Candidate of Biological Sciences, molecular biologist, chief scientific officer Mitolab, Israel.
Skulachev Maxim Vladimirovich
PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. MD Anderson Cancer Center, National Laboratory Astana
Sarbasov Dos Zhurmakhanbetovich
The University of Tokushima - Department of Life Systems PhD
Brazilian sports doctor, endocrinologist, author of sports recovery programs. Organizer of the social project "Сhange yourself".
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the University of Holos (USA-Australia), President of the International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography (IUMAB)
Korotkov Konstantin Georgievich